Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lightning Speed!

Here it is the middle of February, things are warming (at least in the N.W.), many trees and Spring flowers are budding. I love this, but it all seems to be going too quickly...at lightning speed. Didn't we just celebrate Christmas? Do I hear an "amen," here?

When our kids are small, we can't wait for them to walk, talk, be potty trained, etc. (OK, I have to admit, I liked my kids a lot better BEFORE they talked.} It seems like yesterday my niece Katie and I were singing "You are my Sunshine," to one another, and just a couple of weeks ago, she got her driver's permit. NO WAY!

A few short years ago I graduated from High School, now my classmates are talking about having a 50 yr. reunion next year. Sorry ladies, but I will not be attending THAT reunion for at least 25 more years.

God alone numbers our days,  each one in His hands, and though life does seem to go by quickly,  I'm determined to enjoy every minute the Lord leaves me here. How about you?

Trust the Lord, with all your heart
And lean not on your own understanding
In all ways acknowledge Him
And He shall direct your paths
Prov. 3:5-6
