Christmas seems to be most people's favorite holiday. I know it's mine. But this year, after perusing our local mall, I was sorely disappointed to see not one reference to the real meaning of Christmas except at the Christian bookstore. I wasn't surprised, just sad. Then, as I started down the escalator, music began pouring out of loudspeakers everywhere: "Joy to the world, the Lord has come. Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare Him room. Let heaven and nature sing. Let heaven and nature sing..." The busy, uncaring, un-adoring mall, now pulsated with holy truth.
Even now, remembering those words and my feelings, brings me to tears. As people rushed around---some in despair, many in debt, and others not caring---the truth rang out. Joy is possible, even in a world of chaos. Let every heart prepare him room. Yes! Prepare, and He will come: He wants to abide with us...make His home in the place He created just for Himself. Let earth receive her King: The King of heaven came to be King of every living heart. Ah yes, let heaven and nature sing: Sing of the greatness of a God who sent the breath of heaven for our salvation.
Dear Friend, if this Christmas season finds you down, remember this: You're supernaturally loved. If heartaches threaten to consume you until your very soul feels empty, do not despair. Why? Because the Lord God of the Universe wants to give you life---abundant life. This life is an eternal gift, one He gives freely to those who ask. The celebration of Christmas is meant to remind you of that precious, irrevocable life. As you heart think over the true meaning of Christmas may you be transformed and renewed.
Sharon Bernash Smith